
The ISO Amp API is a RESTful API for integrating with the ISO Amp tool. The examples use the domain Replace with your ISO Amp domain.


To authorize, use this code:

curl "api_endpoint_here" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

Make sure to replace 01234567890abcdef with your API key.

ISO Amp uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a API key in the admin panel.

ISO Amp expects the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: 01234567890abcdef

Merchant Application Integration

Proposals can be sent to your own backend system with a single click. Here is an example flow for a merchant application:

  1. User goes through quote tool and creates proposal.
  2. User clicks on "Start Application" button.
  3. The user's browser follows the link to your backend system and includes the proposal ID in the URL.
  4. Your backend system uses the proposal API to fetch the proposal.
  5. Your backend system creates a merchant services application with the relevant information from the proposal.
  6. Your backend system redirects the user's browser to the prefilled online application.

A proposal handoff link is the entity that creates a button on the proposal screen. The label of the button and the destination URL template is all that is required. Proposal handoff links are created in the Admin page in the Developer section.

Attribute Type Description
Agent View boolean Button will be displayed on the agent proposal view.
Label string The text of the button
Merchant View boolean Button will be displayed on the merchant proposal view.
URL Template string URL template for the destination of the button. {proposal_id} will be replaced with the actual proposal ID.

Statement Analysis

Submitting a statement for analysis is a 3-step process.

  1. Create the statement analysis request (POST /api/statement_analyses).
  2. Upload the statement file(s) (POST /api/statement_analyses/{id}/files).
  3. Start the statement analysis (POST /api/statement_analyses/{id}/start).

Create a Statement Analysis

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{ "userId": 12345, "name": "Sept 2021", "merchantName": "Fancy Burgers" }'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "cc945b9a-47e5-4198-a3b8-b5ef1f6ed734"

HTTP Request


Required Attributes

Attribute Type Description
userId int32 Analysis is for this user ID
name string Name for this statement analysis (e.g. the statement date)
merchantName string Name of business

Allowed Attributes

Attribute Type Default Description
mcc string None Merchant Category Code
notes string None Any extra notes to attach to this analysis

Upload a Statement File

After the statement analysis is created by the POST API the statement file(s) must be uploaded. The file contents must be the body of the POST. This API may be called multiple times to include multiple files (e.g. a processing statement and an American Express statement for the same month). Do not include multiple months or locations in the same analysis.

curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/pdf' \
  -X POST \
  --data-binary @statement.pdf

The above command returns a 200 OK on success with no response body.

HTTP Request


Required HTTP Headers

Header Description
Content-Length Size of uploaded file
Content-Type MIME type of uploaded file. Must be application/pdf.

Required Query Parameters

Attribute Type Description
filename string Name of uploaded file

Start statement analysis

After all required files have been uploaded this API should be called to start the statement analysis.

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \

The above command returns a 202 Accepted on success with no response body.

HTTP Request


Estimate Statement Summary

The estimate statement summary API can be used to quickly estimate fees from only a statement summary.

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{ "merchantActivity": [ {"type": "vs", "volume": 8000, "transactions": 100}, {"type": "mc", "volume": 2000, "transactions": 30} ], "totalCurrentFees": 320 }'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint estimates summary passthrough fees, processor costs, and markup.

HTTP Request


Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
merchantActivity array of merchant activities List of merchant activities by card type and brand
totalCurrentFees numeric string Total fees the merchant is currently paying

Merchant Activity Attributes

Attribute Type Description
type string Type of activity
volume numeric string Volume of merchant activity in dollars
transactions integer Number of transactions

Merchant Activity Types

Type Description
vmd Visa, Mastercard, and Discover combined
vs Visa credit and check
vs_credit Visa credit
vs_check Visa check
mc Mastercard credit and check
mc_credit Mastercard credit
mc_check Mastercard check
ds Discover credit and check
ds_credit Discover credit
ds_check Discover check
amex American Express
pin_debit PIN Debit

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
vmdInterchange numeric string Estimated Visa, Mastercard, and Discover interchange fees
vmdCardBrandFees numeric string Estimated Visa, Mastercard, and Discover card brand fees
amexOptBlue numeric string Estimated American Express Opt Blue fees
pinDebitNetworkFees numeric string Estimated PIN debit network fees
scheduleACost numeric string Estimated Schedule A costs
margin numeric string Estimated margin rate


Proposal Definition

Attribute Type Description
creationTime integer When the proposal was created in Unix time (i.e. number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
id uuid Unique identifier
merchantActivities array List of merchant activity records
programFeatures array List of selected program features
programId text ID of the proposed program
fees array List of fees proposed and current
prospectId uuid ID of the prospect this proposal belongs to
currentProcessor string Name of current processor

programId can be set when defining a program. It may be null if the proposal does not have a program assigned to it or if the program originally assigned has been deleted.

currentProcessor is only known when the proposal is created by analyzing a statement. In addition, the processor can only be accurately determined on some statement types.

Merchant Activity Definition

Attribute Type Description
name string Name (typically from card type summary table)
typeId string Type of activity (e.g. "vs", "mc", "ds", etc.)
volume numeric string Volume in dollars
transactions numeric string Number of transactions

Program Feature Definition

Attribute Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name of program feature

Fee Definition

Attribute Type Description
name string Human-readable name of fee
programFeeId string ID of fee defined by program
quantity numeric string Quantity to which the fee rate will be applied
proposedRate numeric string The rate proposed to charge the merchant
proposedMonthlyAmount numeric string The amount the merchant will pay per month
currentRate numeric string The rate the merchant is currently paying
currentMonthlyAmount numeric string The amount the merchant is currently paying per month

programFeeId can be set when defining a program.

It is possible for there to a fee with a proposedMonthlyAmount of 0 because of merchant activity or selected program features. For example, a monthly PIN debit fee with an proposedRate of 9.95 may be present but have a proposedMonthlyAmount of 0 if there are no PIN debit transactions.

currentRate is the effective current rate based on quantity and currentMonthlyAmount. This may sometimes vary from the rate actually displayed on the statement. For example, given a VMD Per Item fee, quantity will be the total number of Visa, Mastercard, and Discover transactions. This information can be extracted from the card type summary table, the interchange table, and processor fees. Unfortunately, statements often contain information in each section that contradicts the other sections (e.g. the card type summary table shows there are 60 VMD transactions, the interchange table shows 58 VMD transactions, and a processor VMD Per Item fee claims there were 62 transactions). In addition, sometimes an individual fee line on a statement has a total does not equal the product of the quantity and rate. This can be due to rounding issues but often has no visible explanation. But in any case, to provide an apples-to-apples rate comparison, the currentRate is calculated as currentMonthlyAmount / quantity.

Get All Proposals

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "object": "list",
  "hasMore": true,
  "data": [
      "id": "c9d21a63-c3c3-44f8-acec-e7374cce186b",
      "fees": [
          "id": 12345,
          "name": "VMD Card Brand",
          "quantity": "68.67",
          "currentRate": "1",
          "programFeeId": "VMD Card Brand",
          "proposedRate": "1",
          "currentMonthlyAmount": "68.67",
          "proposedMonthlyAmount": "68.67"
          "id": 12346,
          "name": "VMD Interchange",
          "quantity": "882.01",
          "currentRate": "1.0",
          "programFeeId": "VMD Interchange",
          "proposedRate": "1.0",
          "currentMonthlyAmount": "882.01",
          "proposedMonthlyAmount": "882.01"
          "id": 12347,
          "name": "VMD Per Item",
          "quantity": "45",
          "currentRate": "0.1",
          "programFeeId": "VMD Per Item",
          "proposedRate": "0.05",
          "currentMonthlyAmount": "4.5",
          "proposedMonthlyAmount": "2.25"
          "id": 12348,
          "name": "VMD Volume",
          "quantity": "47265.32",
          "currentRate": "0.005",
          "programFeeId": "VMD Volume",
          "proposedRate": "0.004",
          "currentMonthlyAmount": "236.33",
          "proposedMonthlyAmount": "189.06"
          "id": 12349,
          "name": "PCI Monthly",
          "quantity": "1",
          "currentRate": "5",
          "programFeeId": "PCI Monthly",
          "proposedRate": "10",
          "currentMonthlyAmount": "5.00",
          "proposedMonthlyAmount": "10.00"
      "object": "proposal",
      "programId": "d9feedfa-62ab-4ba1-954c-4deca6fe2013",
      "prospectId": "214c3843-1484-4f2d-bea9-8398c9289924",
      "creationTime": 165164512,
      "programFeatures": [],
      "merchantActivities": [
          "name": "DISCOVER",
          "typeId": "ds",
          "volume": "855.46",
          "transactions": "5"
          "name": "MASTERCARD",
          "typeId": "mc",
          "volume": "12482.36",
          "transactions": "12"
          "name": "VISA",
          "typeId": "vs",
          "volume": "33927.50",
          "transactions": "28"

This endpoint retrieves all proposals. If hasMore is true then more proposals are available which can be fetched using the startAfterId query parameter.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit 10 Limit the number of proposals returned (valid values are integers 1 to 100).
startAfterId None Only include proposals created after proposal with this ID (must be UUID).

Get a Specific Proposal

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "c9d21a63-c3c3-44f8-acec-e7374cce186b",
  "fees": [
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "VMD Card Brand",
      "quantity": "68.67",
      "currentRate": "1",
      "programFeeId": "VMD Card Brand",
      "proposedRate": "1",
      "currentMonthlyAmount": "68.67",
      "proposedMonthlyAmount": "68.67"
      "id": 12346,
      "name": "VMD Interchange",
      "quantity": "882.01",
      "currentRate": "1.0",
      "programFeeId": "VMD Interchange",
      "proposedRate": "1.0",
      "currentMonthlyAmount": "882.01",
      "proposedMonthlyAmount": "882.01"
      "id": 12347,
      "name": "VMD Per Item",
      "quantity": "45",
      "currentRate": "0.1",
      "programFeeId": "VMD Per Item",
      "proposedRate": "0.05",
      "currentMonthlyAmount": "4.5",
      "proposedMonthlyAmount": "2.25"
      "id": 12348,
      "name": "VMD Volume",
      "quantity": "47265.32",
      "currentRate": "0.005",
      "programFeeId": "VMD Volume",
      "proposedRate": "0.004",
      "currentMonthlyAmount": "236.33",
      "proposedMonthlyAmount": "189.06"
      "id": 12349,
      "name": "PCI Monthly",
      "quantity": "1",
      "currentRate": "5",
      "programFeeId": "PCI Monthly",
      "proposedRate": "10",
      "currentMonthlyAmount": "5.00",
      "proposedMonthlyAmount": "10.00"
  "object": "proposal",
  "programId": "d9feedfa-62ab-4ba1-954c-4deca6fe2013",
  "prospectId": "214c3843-1484-4f2d-bea9-8398c9289924",
  "creationTime": 165164512,
  "programFeatures": [],
  "merchantActivities": [
      "name": "DISCOVER",
      "typeId": "ds",
      "volume": "855.46",
      "transactions": "5"
      "name": "MASTERCARD",
      "typeId": "mc",
      "volume": "12482.36",
      "transactions": "12"
      "name": "VISA",
      "typeId": "vs",
      "volume": "33927.50",
      "transactions": "28"

This endpoint retrieves a specific proposal.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the proposal to retrieve

Change Proposal Program

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"programId": "interchangeplus"}'

The above command does not return a response body.

This endpoint changes the program used by the proposal.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the proposal to update


Attribute Type Description
programId string ID of program to use

Program IDs can be viewed and changed in the Admin -> Programs -> Program Details page.

Change Proposal Template

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"templateId": "b774aebd-cdbd-4eff-8c57-bf2c6b843bd3"}'

The above command does not return a response body.

This endpoint changes the template used by the proposal.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the proposal to update


Attribute Type Description
templateId UUID ID of proposal template to use

Template IDs can be viewed in the Admin -> Proposal Templates -> Details page.

Update Fee Rate

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"rate": "0.005"}'

The above command does not return a response body.

This endpoint changes the proposed rate of a proposal fee.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the proposal fee to update


Attribute Type Description
rate numeric string Rate that will be charged

Download Proposal as PDF

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Accept: application/pdf' \
  --output document.pdf

The above command returns a PDF file and saves the results.

This endpoint changes the template used by the proposal.

HTTP Request


The Accept header must be set to application/pdf.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the proposal to download

Clone a Proposal

This endpoint creates a clone of a proposal.

HTTP Request


curl \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "33ebe2d9-a717-4507-9933-fbc455748c69",

Create a Simple Proposal

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"prospectId": "9136dff2-6a30-48a5-8d8c-6a712ac89a3e", "totalVolume": 20000, "numTransactions": 100, "totalFees": "450"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "33ebe2d9-a717-4507-9933-fbc455748c69",

This endpoint creates a simple proposal. This corresponds to the standard / simple form in the quote tool.

HTTP Request



Attribute Type Description
avgTicket numeric string Average VMD transaction amount in dollars
numTransactions numeric string Number of VMD transactions
preferredProgramId text ID of program to propose if possible
prospectId uuid ID of prospect to create proposal for
totalFees numeric string The total fees being paid now in dollars
totalVolume numeric string Total VMD volume in dollars

prospectId and totalVolume are required along with avgTicket or numTransactions.


Prospect Definition

Attribute Type Description
business_name string Name of business
contact_name string Name of contact at business
created_at timestamp When the user was created formatted in ISO8601
email email Email address
id uuid Unique identifier
phone string Phone number
prospect_stage_id uuid Prospect Stage ID
source_type string Source of prospect
user_id uuid User ID that owns prospect

Get All Prospects

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "object": "list",
  "data": [
      "id": "0e68f57d-e361-4ea1-a827-0ce6256adf77",
      "business_name": "Sal's Subs",
      "contact_name": "Sal",
      "phone": "555-5555",
      "email": "",
      "source_type": "in-person",
      "user_id": "c742ce38-daa2-4011-a9b1-c85459186436",
      "merchant_type_id": "9cd01d9c-4994-48b1-8246-9ecde769ae7c",
      "prospect_stage_id": "7365ec0e-0aab-406c-b54e-3c6ed9f483d3",
      "created_at": "2019-03-25T16:30:45.941-04:00",
      "object": "prospect"
      "id": "ab593f14-f2de-4ae0-a260-d1ac28d4badf",
      "business_name": "Acme Food Stuffs",
      "contact_name": "Phil",
      "phone": "555-5555",
      "email": "",
      "source_type": "web",
      "user_id": "c742ce38-daa2-4011-a9b1-c85459186436",
      "merchant_type_id": "7447c292-332b-4c36-86a1-aa5ba256a4e8",
      "prospect_stage_id": "1ae64c8a-66be-42f9-902c-5dc92bb70f3b",
      "created_at": "2019-03-25T16:26:54.944-04:00",
      "object": "prospect"

This endpoint retrieves all prospects sorted by created_at ascending.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit 10 Limit the number of prospects returned (valid values are integers 1 to 100).
start_after_id None Only include prospects created after user with this ID (must be UUID).

Get a Specific Prospect

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "ab593f14-f2de-4ae0-a260-d1ac28d4badf",
    "business_name": "Acme Food Stuffs",
    "contact_name": "Phil",
    "phone": "555-5555",
    "email": "",
    "source_type": "web",
    "user_id": "c742ce38-daa2-4011-a9b1-c85459186436",
    "merchant_type_id": "7447c292-332b-4c36-86a1-aa5ba256a4e8",
    "prospect_stage_id": "1ae64c8a-66be-42f9-902c-5dc92bb70f3b",
    "created_at": "2019-03-25T16:26:54.944-04:00",
    "object": "prospect"

This endpoint retrieves a specific prospect.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the prospect to retrieve

Create a Prospect

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"user_id": "c742ce38-daa2-4011-a9b1-c85459186436", "merchant_type_id": "196a094a-16a4-4fda-8007-9300ef9c5cf8", "prospect_stage_id": "1ae64c8a-66be-42f9-902c-5dc92bb70f3b", "business_name": "Fancy Burgers", "contact_name": "Sam", "phone": "555-5555", "email": "", "source_type": "search engine"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "73458508-0ef5-4abb-9715-ceed559583f6",
  "business_name": "Fancy Burgers",
  "contact_name": "Sam",
  "phone": "555-5555",
  "email": "",
  "source_type": "search engine",
  "user_id": "c742ce38-daa2-4011-a9b1-c85459186436",
  "merchant_type_id": "196a094a-16a4-4fda-8007-9300ef9c5cf8",
  "prospect_stage_id": "1ae64c8a-66be-42f9-902c-5dc92bb70f3b",
  "created_at": "2019-03-25T16:48:21.543-04:00",
  "object": "prospect"

This endpoint creates a prospect.

HTTP Request


Required Attributes

Attribute Type Description
prospect_stage_id uuid Prospect Stage ID
source_type string Source of prospect
user_id uuid User ID that owns prospect

Allowed Attributes

Attribute Type Default Description
business_name string None Name of business
contact_name string None Name of contact at business
email email None Email address
phone string None Phone number

Update a Specific Prospect

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X PATCH \
  -d '{"email": ""}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "73458508-0ef5-4abb-9715-ceed559583f6",
  "business_name": "Fancy Burgers",
  "contact_name": "Sam",
  "phone": "555-5555",
  "email": "",
  "source_type": "search engine",
  "user_id": "c742ce38-daa2-4011-a9b1-c85459186436",
  "merchant_type_id": "196a094a-16a4-4fda-8007-9300ef9c5cf8",
  "prospect_stage_id": "1ae64c8a-66be-42f9-902c-5dc92bb70f3b",
  "created_at": "2019-03-25T16:48:21.543-04:00",
  "object": "prospect"

This endpoint updates a prospect.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the prospect to update

Allowed Attributes

Attribute Type Description
business_name string Name of business
contact_name string Name of contact at business
email email Email address
phone string Phone number
prospect_stage_id uuid Prospect Stage ID
source_type string Source of prospect
user_id uuid User ID that owns prospect

Delete a Specific Prospect

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \

The above command does not return a response body.

This endpoint deletes a specific prospect.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the prospect to delete

Prospect Stages

Prospect Stage Definition

Attribute Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier
name string Name

Get All Prospect Stages

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "object": "list",
  "data": [
      "id": "1ae64c8a-66be-42f9-902c-5dc92bb70f3b",
      "name": "Prospect",
      "object": "prospect_stage"
      "id": "2bb0ca43-b47a-408d-a48c-322ad3453905",
      "name": "Quoted",
      "object": "prospect_stage"
      "id": "6820bc00-2aaa-472f-bda7-eeb64c9c5dbd",
      "name": "Closed-Yes",
      "object": "prospect_stage"
      "id": "7365ec0e-0aab-406c-b54e-3c6ed9f483d3",
      "name": "Contacted",
      "object": "prospect_stage"
      "id": "944e129f-635c-4a16-b9cd-0d6965b2b1fa",
      "name": "Closed-No",
      "object": "prospect_stage"

This endpoint retrieves all merchant types.

HTTP Request


Get a Specific Prospect Stage

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "944e129f-635c-4a16-b9cd-0d6965b2b1fa",
  "name": "Closed-No",
  "object": "prospect_stage"

This endpoint retrieves a specific prospect stage.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the prospect stage to retrieve


User Definition

Attribute Type Description
admin bool Is user an administrator
creationTime integer Unix time (i.e. number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
email email Email address
id integer Unique identifier
name string Name
userName string User name (may be used for vanity quote URL)

In addition, a user's password may be assigned on creation or reset later via the API. The password is securely digested and cannot be read via the API. However, it is preferable to use single sign-on rather than managing passwords via the API.

Get All Users

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "object": "list",
  "data": [
      "id": "12345",
      "email": "",
      "userName": "john",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "admin": false,
      "object": "user",
      "creationTime": 1587745044
      "id": "67890",
      "email": "",
      "userName": "jane",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "admin": false,
      "object": "user",
      "creationTime": 1573666167

This endpoint retrieves all users sorted by creationTime ascending. This endpoint is paginated. To fetch all records it is necessary to make multiple requests where the query parameter startAfterId is the ID of the last record retrieved on the previous request. This must be done until a response is received where the data array is empty.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit 10 Limit the number of users returned (valid values are integers 1 to 100).
startAfterId None Only include users created after user with this ID.

Get a Specific User

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "12345",
  "email": "",
  "userName": "jane",
  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "admin": false,
  "object": "user",
  "creationTime": 1587745044

This endpoint retrieves a specific user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the user to retrieve

Create a User

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"email": "", "userName": "john", "name": "John Smith", "admin": "false"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "12345",
  "email": "",
  "userName": "john",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "admin": false,
  "object": "user",
  "creationTime": 1587745044

This endpoint creates a user. As an alternative, single sign-on can be configured to create users on first sign-on.

HTTP Request


Required Attributes

Attribute Type Description
email email Email address
name string Name
userName string User name (must match this regexp: /\A[a-z][a-z0-9-]*\z/)

Allowed Attributes

Attribute Type Default Description
admin bool false Is user an administrator
password string Unguessable random string Login password

Update a Specific User

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X PATCH \
  -d '{"email": "", "userName": "john", "name": "John Smith", "admin": "false"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "12345",
  "email": "",
  "userName": "john",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "admin": false,
  "object": "user",
  "creationTime": 1587745044

This endpoint updates a user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the user to update

Allowed Attributes

Attribute Type Description
admin bool Is user an administrator
email email Email address
name string Name
password string Login password
userName string User name (must match this regexp: /\A[a-z][a-z0-9-]*\z/)

Delete a Specific User

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \

The above command does not return a response body.

This endpoint deletes a specific user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the user to delete


Event are created when something of note happens such as a statement analysis being completed. They can be pulled from the events API or pushed via webhook.

Event Definition

Attribute Type Description
data object Event data - see below for possible formats
id uuid Unique identifier
time integer Unix time (i.e. number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
type string Event type - see below for possible values


A statement analysis was requested.

Attribute Type Description
statementAnalysisId uuid ID of the statement analysis
agentId integer ID of the requesting agent
name string Name of the statement analysis


A statement analysis was completed.

Attribute Type Description
statementAnalysisId uuid ID of the statement analysis
proposalId uuid ID of the created proposal


A statement analysis was completed.

Attribute Type Description
statementAnalysisId uuid ID of the statement analysis

Get All Events

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "object": "list",
  "hasMore": false,
  "data": [
      "id": "680adba7-d2a8-4df7-82b4-01ae0411827f",
      "object": "event",
      "time": 1650297407,
      "type": "statement_analysis.requested",
      "data": {
        "statementAnalysisId": "477966ab-69b7-4253-a1c6-dd8700de6bd5",
        "agentId": 12345,
        "name": "Acme March 2022"
      "id": "1ac3b8ad-726d-4a0c-9821-88dd409e8487",
      "object": "event",
      "time": 1650297962,
      "type": "statement_analysis.completed",
      "data": {
        "statementAnalysisId": "477966ab-69b7-4253-a1c6-dd8700de6bd5",
        "proposalId": "059036f7-2f35-43c5-b968-46dc082ecf33"
      "id": "46cf64a1-a493-4236-a108-5a18884d10aa",
      "object": "event",
      "time": 1650299106,
      "type": "statement_analysis.requested",
      "data": {
        "statementAnalysisId": "8a4e5959-0ff5-4b67-9441-e131ba6f1514",
        "agentId": 23456,
        "name": "Mar 22 Merchant Statement.pdf"
      "id": "9bbaff5b-0177-4521-a3f1-96db1e28eab5",
      "object": "event",
      "time": 1650301580,
      "type": "statement_analysis.completed",
      "data": {
        "statementAnalysisId": "8a4e5959-0ff5-4b67-9441-e131ba6f1514",
        "proposalId": "326a4ced-9790-4e28-8a67-fc8f986f0948"

This endpoint retrieves all events. If hasMore is true then more events are available which can be fetched using the startAfterId query parameter.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit 25 Limit the number of events returned (valid values are integers 1 to 100).
startTime None Only include events created at this time or later (must be integer number of seconds since Unix epoch).
startAfterId None Only include events after event with this ID (must be UUID). Can be used for pagination.

Get a Specific Event

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "602a7d68-f732-447f-86d6-65005152dde1",
  "object": "event",
  "time": 1650301630,
  "type": "statement_analysis.completed",
  "data": {
    "statementAnalysisId": "477966ab-69b7-4253-a1c6-dd8a00de6bd5",
    "proposalId": "f841cda7-d34f-48c3-b803-412ca4179736"

This endpoint retrieves a specific event.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the event to retrieve


Webhooks are a way of being notified when an event occurs.

Get All Webhooks

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "object": "list",
  "data": [
      "id": 1234,
      "object": "webhook",
      "url": "",
      "eventTypes": [
      "hmacSecret": "11f2baa04e4642de3b5c3d66ada815bc2d8a8515e00b08285d159a8d72993bfc"
      "id": 56789,
      "object": "webhook",
      "url": "",
      "eventTypes": [
      "hmacSecret": "a91e971e50388871a355b55423a909786381f2628353fba939c4ba19302d3734"

This endpoint retrieves all webhooks.

HTTP Request


Get a Specific Webhook

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: 01234567890abcdef"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 1234,
  "object": "webhook",
  "url": "",
  "eventTypes": [
  "hmacSecret": "11f2baa04e4642de3b5c3d66ada815bc2d8a8515e00b08285d159a8d72993bfc"

This endpoint retrieves a specific webhook.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the webhook to retrieve

Create a Webhook

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"url": "", "eventTypes": ["statement_analysis.completed", "statement_analysis.rejected"]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 1234,
  "hmacSecret": "4eb417493e09ac36ee2d998b6fb4306f1d428ae4577f30d521cd703f598f117b"

This endpoint creates a webhook.

HTTP Request


Required Attributes

Attribute Type Description
url string URL to send webhook requests
eventTypes array Only events of these types that will be delivered

Update a Webhook

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -X PATCH \
  -d '{"url": "", "eventTypes": ["statement_analysis.completed", "statement_analysis.rejected"]}'

The above command returns an HTTP 200 without a body.

This endpoint updates a webhook.

HTTP Request


Required Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer ID of webhook to update
url string URL to send webhook requests
eventTypes array Only events of these types that will be delivered

Delete a Webhook

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: 01234567890abcdef' \

The above command returns an HTTP 200 without a body.

This endpoint deletes a webhook.

HTTP Request


Required Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer ID of webhook to update

Request Signatures

Webhook requests include a Isoamp-Signature header that is the signature of the request. The signature consists of multiple key=value pairs separated by commas. The value of the pair with the key t is the time the request was sent in Unix time. The value of the pair with the key v1 is an HMAC of t and the request body keyed by the webhook hmacSecret.

To validate a signature concatenate t with the request body. Compute an HMAC of this with key hmacSecret and the SHA-256 algorithm. For example this could be done with the following code in Ruby.

require 'openssl' # => true

# isoamp_signature is the value of the "Isoamp-Signature" header.
isoamp_signature = "t=1650654842,v1=143f3835f2bf090fa6fd78754517d51b1897f691682627d241c5ed309cad0515"

# body is complete request body.
body = '{"id":"f9a6e449-e884-4726-973e-26d6bd99666a","object":"event","time":1650654842,"type":"statement_analysis.completed","data":{"statementAnalysisId":"f472949d-8227-4514-aa1c-b40f1f00380c","proposalId":"f9a4bb9c-d

# hmac_secret is a unique attribute for each webhook.
hmac_secret = "f76fab345ce93a69aa77d68a08283400cd0b45cb0a0a16b61e20b4c1e626a115"

# Parse the signature.
sig_parts = isoamp_signature.split(",").map { |pair| pair.split("=") }.to_h
# => {"t"=>"1650654842", "v1"=>"143f3835f2bf090fa6fd78754517d51b1897f691682627d241c5ed309cad0515"}

expected_sig = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("SHA256", hmac_secret, "#{sig_parts["t"]}#{body}")
# => "143f3835f2bf090fa6fd78754517d51b1897f691682627d241c5ed309cad0515"

# Test v1 that matches the expected signature. (Use a constant time comparison in production.)
expected_sig == sig_parts["v1"] #=> true

# Test that the request was sent recently to prevent replay.["t"].to_i) #=> 2022-04-22 14:14:02 -0500

Login Via Link

Your application can generate links that automatically log a user in and redirect them to a specific page.

You will need to create a login link secret key. Go to the Admin -> Developer -> Single Sign on page and create a key.

require "openssl"
require "json"

# The secret key from your Login Link Secret Key in the Admin -> SSO page.
secret_key = "wNAUjLMjoj3DwfHArAsCgNuJGhaEdmFE"

message = {
  "email" => "",
  "name" => "Joe User",
  "destination" => "/courses"

# The message must be first JSON encoded and then hex encoded.
encoded_message = JSON.generate(message).unpack("H*").first
# => "7b22656d61696c223a2275736572406578616d706c652e636f6d222c226e616d65223a224a6f652055736572222c2264657374696e6174696f6e223a222f636f7572736573227d"

unix_time = # => 1662584892
version = 1

signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("SHA256", secret_key, "#{encoded_message}#{unix_time}#{version}")
# => "3c795e4f01178c7b261397e995b7ffedeceaad1bb9e85381466a65dbde4b387b"

url = "{encoded_message}&t=#{unix_time}&v=#{version}&s=#{signature}"
# => ""

First, generate an authentication message with the following keys.

Attribute Type Description
email string Email address of user to log in
name string Name of user to log in
destination string Site-relative path to redirect to after login

Encode this message as JSON and then hex encode the JSON.

Concatenate the hex encoded JSON object, the Unix time, and "1" together. The "1" is the version indicator for the type of secure login link. This is the message blob that will be signed in the next step.

Perform a SHA-256 HMAC of this message blob using the secret key.

The login via link URL is:

Add the following query parameters:

Parameter Description
m Hex encoded JSON authentication message
s HMAC signature
t Unix time
v Version (always 1)

This should yield a URL like the following:

The login link secret key page also includes a live example of building a login URL.



The ISO Amp training system can be embedded in your application via iframe.

This is particularly useful when combined with Login Via Link. Generate a URL and use it as the src of your iframe.

The link to the training portal is

If you want to allow the videos to be played full screen you must set the allow attribute appropriately.